Gender and Social Development

The Gender and Social Development Department is headed by City Community Development Officer and is responsible for promotion of interest of various groups of the community, particularly the vulnerable, children, women, disabled; among others, to realize and harness their potential for purposeful and sustainable development and mobilize people for community services. 

  • Develop, monitor and evaluate social rehabilitation and resettlement programs in transforming the citizens;
  • Plan, develop and monitor the implementation of the gender mainstreaming, emancipation and empowerment strategy;
  • Design and monitor the implementation of youth programs focusing on creating opportunities of entrepreneurship, financial management, livelihood, partnerships and culture;
  • Develop, design and evaluate programs for raising awareness and empowerment of People-With-Disabilities and the elderly;
  • Develop and monitor the implementation of Poverty Eradication / Alleviation Programs including the functional adult literacy, income generating projects/gainful employment opportunities;
  • Plan and enforce the social and labour legislation to protect the working class and regulate the relations between the worker and their employers;
  • Develop and monitor the provision of appropriate legal measures for the protection of human rights of all City Citizens.
  • CBO Registration
  • Labour Support and Regulation
  • Youth Empowerment
  • Women Empowerment
  • Empowerment of PWDs and OVCs
Core Section Heads