Department Mandate
The mandate of the Education and Sports Department is to increase the level of basic education in Gulu City by promoting access, equity and quality education for both girls and boys. Both government and private formal and non-formal educational institutions provide the education and sports sector in the city. The Sector is composed of Pre- Primary Education, Primary Education, Secondary Education, Tertiary Institutions, Skills Development, Physical Education & Sports, Special Needs Education and Education Management, Supervision and Inspection.
Strategic Direction
The journey for digital transformation in Education department in Gulu city started way back in June 2019, when Ministry of Education and Sports, HISP Uganda and Save the Children Uganda in partnership with University of Oslo with funding from NORAD began piloting the use of DHIS2 as an electronic Education Management Information system (EMIS). The pilot project started in the districts of Mayuge, Gulu and Gulu Municipality now Gulu city. Despite Gulu Municipality being the only municipality in the country implementing the pilot project, today the city is benchmarked and has become the face of the project which is now expected to be rolled out in the entire country.
City council needs data analysis for their indicative budget planning for the schools in relation to grants, wage, provision of scholastic materials, structures and teachers ratio portion at the parish, division or sub-county level which is now provided by EMIS. The system empowers the department to perform different kind of analysis, including: pupil’s enrollment, pupil’s performances by grades and the dropout rates by gender, class for decision making. The analysis basing on termly or annual performance basis in: PLE, UCE, UACE, MOCK examinations at all levels by making comparison to extract insight information like; male – female, privates - public school, local – national performance among others. (See attachment of summaries).
Core functions of the Department
- Improve access to quality education services.
- Improve the Quality of Educational Opportunities.
- Organize Music, Dance and Drama.
- Avail education facilities
- Organize Games and Sports.
- Provide support supervision to ascertain whether the schools and institutions conform to the minimum standards.
- Monitor and Evaluation the implementation of school activities

Irwenyo Richard City Education Officer
- Email education@gulucity.go.ug
- Phone +256777049417