Department of Production and Marketing

Mandate of the Department

Agriculture is the backbone of Ugandan economy, employing about 75% of the national workforce and over 90% of the rural population. Gulu is named the Regional and Agricultural city of Uganda. The department is mandated to improve on the productivity and marketing through linkages. 

Strategic Direction

Nearly 40% of arable land for Agriculture in Uganda is found in Acholi where Gulu city is located. Land is a fixed factor of production to promote industrialization. With the existence of other infrastructures like logistic hub and network of  roads, rail and air transport in Gulu linking East and Central Africa to the rest of the world under construction, coupled with stable electricity plan and reliable water plan in the city, the department intends to tap on the her potentials to attract investors for industrialization. 

The city plans to strengthen Agriculture technology transfer through the use of ICT to coordinate the mobilization, training, keeping tracks of farm produce, value chain and linking the farmers to markets.

Lobbying and advocating for increased use of agricultural mechanization and value addition to maximize productivity.

Core Functions of Production & Marketing Department 

  1. Increase agricultural production and productivity and market infrastructure and services
  2. Increase the mobilization and equitable access and utilization of agricultural financing
  3. Improving environment resource management and services
  4. Transforming production patterns
  5. Supporting household food security efforts, 
  6. Promotion of strategic and profitable enterprises, 
  • To inspect the quality of produce
  • Increased Employment opportunities and labor productivity in agro-industry
  • Strengthen institutional coordination for improved service delivery
  • Increase market access and competitiveness of agricultural products in domestic and international markets
Core Section Heads
Ajok Christine Onono Senior Production & Marketing Officer