Alfred Okwanga
City Mayor
The City Mayor is the political head of the City who presides over all meetings of the Executives, Performs ceremonial and civic functions, he also hosts foreign and local dignitaries.
Monitor all the general administration of the City including the implementation of council decisions, coordinates and provide administrative guidance to division councils.
On behalf of the council, oversee the performance of persons employed by the Government to provide service to the city and to monitor implementation of Government projects. The City Mayor in the performance of his or her functions is answerable to the City Council.
Strategic Direction
Gulu city derives her strategic plan from National Development Plan III (NDPIII) and the Uganda Vision 2040 whose aim is to transform Ugandan’s society from a peasant to a modern and prosperous society.
The economic growth strategy for the plan focuses on: Expanding the industrial base of the economy; consolidating and increasing the stock and quality of productive infrastructure; enhancing productivity especially in agriculture sector; sustainable exploitation of the natural resources; and supporting private sector development through providing affordable financing.
Gulu as the regional city of Northern Uganda and Agricultural city of Uganda is strategically located in Acoli-land which is endowed with abundant arable land for Agriculture. Land is a fixed factor of production to provide raw materials needed for industrialization. With the existence of other infrastructures like logistic hub and network of roads, rail and air transport in Gulu city linking East and Central Africa to the rest of the world, coupled with stable electricity plan and reliable water plan under construction, the city intends to tap on the her potentials to attract investors for industrialization.
Gulu city is indebted to her development partners including but not limited to; World Bank under USMID and USMID-AF, German Corporation implemented by KFW, JICA, TASO, ENABEL, GENEVA GLOBAL, etc. for all the numerous contributions rendered to make the city strive to achieve her vision of “A transformed, industrial/productive, hospitable/livable and Sustainable city of Northern Uganda”.